All we know how to do is just hop into the car, turn the car on and off we go.The only time we feel concerned about the car is when we notice a change in the car engine sound,then we will start thinking of going for check up in which if there has been a regular or frequent maintenance of the car,you would have noticed what's going on before it starts making different sounds and at this time you are noticing the sound ,it could have resulted into serious problem.
When you have car engine maintenance culture which involves regular check ups of the car engine ,it will prevent you from unexpected disappointment that comes with car most of the times.This disappointment of car be so bad that when you need the car so much to use ,it will just breakdown.You can avoid this kind of disappointment with your car by doing these underlisted procedures with your car engine regularly and it will safe your car engine and prolong it's life span.
If you ever own a car,this is one of the most important aspect of safety of car engine.Please don't joke with this,your attention to this aspect of your maintenance has a long way to determine if your car engine will serve you for long or not.
What is the importance of this car engine oil?
- The engine oil lubricate the most important part of the engine to reduce friction as they glide each other
- It prevent over heating because the gliding generate heat ,the presence of the car engine oil absorbs the heat.
What is the effect of not changing it as at when due?
The viscosity of the engine oil reduces as the engine is working,the longer time the engine works ,the lower the viscosity of the engine oil.its the degree of viscosity that determines the grade of the engine oil.
How do you know when to change your car engine oil?
According to,you will need to change your car engine oil every 5000miles (8,047kilometers) that your car has covered.
Note: Some cars can cover more than 5000miles before changing the oil while some may not cover up to that.
To be sure of the interval,go to your car manual and check the manufacturer recommendation and if yours is missing,you can go online to check for it.
Another way that you can manually know if your engine oil needs to be changed is to bring out the oil gauge, touch the oil with your finger and feel it to check for the viscosity level, if it has reduced so much compare to when you put it newly,then you need to change it.This method of checking can be used when the above mentioned was not available, it is not as accurate as above mentioned but you can still use that as a substitute.
Another thing that you must also do as you change your oil is to change the oil filter at the same time, this filter traps the dirt and debris floating in the engine and keep it from circulating round the engine,hence it's important to change it along side the old engine oil so that the dirt and debris trapped from old engine oil is not released into new one.
When this is done for your engine regular, it will keep your engine running smoothly and it will increase the life span of it.
Cooling system of car comprises of the radiator, water pump,coolant and thermostat.This system cools the engine as it works because heat is being generated, if this system is not working, your car becomes overheated and it can damage your engine.
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