Sometimes you hear about some domestic accidents in home as a result of not keeping simple home safety tips .When this happens some of us don't bother to find out what is the cause of it.
You may even say it's just one of those things that happen to human being, the person should just take it like that.Some people are quick to pass blames on the people that were involved in the domestic accident.
Sometimes when you look critically to the cause of those home accidents, you will find out that if they have just put a simple home safety tips in place and in practise, they would have prevented that ugly incident.
We have heard cases where this kind of lack of simple home safety precautions have resulted into death of people at home, in some worse situations ,the whole family lost their lives.
These simple home safety tips are put together for you to actually prevent such occurrence in your home that will make you to regret after it has happened and by saying if I had known,I would have done this ,I would have done that.
Most times, children are the most endangered members of the family ,they are most vulnerable hence there is high need for you to pay serious attention to these simple home safety tips,it will have a long way in keeping you and your entire family safe.
Safety tips within the Yard
- Ensure you use approved gate for the entrance of your compound and make sure you check it regularly if thers is problem with the gate.Recently ,one of my co-worker lost his child to a faulty gate that fell on the child,another incidence was a case of a woman in our church that her gate also fell on her,thank God she didn't lose her life.Please keep to this safety precautions
- Ensure your surroundings are clean(bushes are cleared) , neat and safe from reptiles such as snake.
- No sharp objects including nails,broken bottles etc are found in your compound, do regular search for those things to keep your kids and even yourself from being injured.
- If you have a pool,get it fenced and always lock it to prevent children from going there.
Safety tips inside the house:
- Ensure that all medicines including the daily medicines are out of reach for children
- Install smoke and fire alarm on every level in your house and make sure you check their batteries after six month to ensure they are functioning very well.
- Also installed carbon monoxide alarm on every level of the house especially inside the bedroom to prevent carbon monoxide poison which has killed many families in this part of the world.
- In order to keep children from mistakenly falling down from the window ,kindly install window guard.
- You will also need to safeguard your TVs from damage by your children by mounting it on your wall or placing it on a low furniture that is out of reach from your little kids from falling down.
- Every sharp objects such as blade, knife, broken bottles and even needle must be kept away from children.
- Every naked electrical wire must be covered or removed out of reach of children .
- You can develop and practice fire escape plans for the family with two escape route in case of fire accident
- Keep flammable objects such as gas,plastics ,paper away from fire source such as gas cooker,stove etc
- Let kitchen be well ventilated with appliances placed farther from each other ,this helps easy movement also in the kitchen
- Your sharp objects such as knife must not just be left on table after used without proper placement, this can be dangerous for kids and it may even mistakenly falls down from the table and injure somebody
- Ensure that all that you used for cleaning your house such as detergent, bleach ,liquid soap etc are completely kept out of reach of the children.
- Ensure that all electrical cables are covered and away from water
- Use non-slip floors, very important, this can be deadly, we have heard cases where after bathing on matching the slippery floor,the person landed on floor with his head and that was the end,he died
- You are doing yourself a lot of good when you keep your bathroom dry and clean after use.
Safety in bedroom
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- Never smoke
- Keep your phone close to your reach incase of emergency
- If you can get fire resistant mattress protection , go for it.
All rights reserved, this material is not allowed to be reproduced ,published, rewritten, broadcast or redistributed in part or whole without prior written permission to ALL SAFETY AND SECURITY TIPS
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