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I have heard stories of couples whose their initial intention towards having children was to have at least three or four children but by the time the wife was pregnant for the first baby ,what she went through made them to have a rethink if their initial intention of having three to four children can hold any more and by the time they had their second pregnancy and it was as If it was going worse from the first to the second pregnancy.
By the time the wife managed to deliver, they had to make abrupt  decision to stop the wife from having  pregnancy the third time , all because of the pregnancy related complications that have marked her pregnancy which have always been putting the wife at risk  during pregnancy.

This issue of complications during pregnancy is common occurrence and this has put fear in the mind of many unmarried ladies especially those that have seen one or two women going through these challenges during their pregnancy.Complications during pregnancy for some pregnant women start as early as first trimester and end there which can be said to be bearable to some extent while some women will extend to second trimester and even to the third trimester, this kind of situation or complication that continues through out the pregnancy period  is a serious one and you can imagine what those women would have gone through for 9 months.

Sincerely speaking, if I were the husband of such woman, I will  gladly put a stop to child bearing for her and I want to believe a reasonable husband will do likewise just for the sake of the life of your wife.

Pregnancy related complications can either be serious or less serious, it can have effect on both the mother and the baby,the women who are 15 years below and 35 years above are more prone to complications as well as obese and short women .Common  complications in pregnancy in 15 years below are pre-eclampsia,having babies that are under weight and preterm baby.Hence ,this is to advise our young ladies under the age of 15 that they should avoid teenage pregnancy and to say no to teenage marriage ,this is dangerous for them because of the likely complications that they may develop, and while  complications related to age 40 above include hypertension, gestational diabetes ,they are at high risk of giving birth to babies with genetic disorder and birth defect.Hence if you are reaching up to age 40 and above ,it's very important to be careful of having pregnancy at that age ,reports have shown that women at that age have higher tendency of pregnancy induced complications.

     Generally,some of the serious complications include placenta abruption and dislocation ,excessive bleeding which can result in shock and even death during delivery. Pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH),Preeclampsia, toxemia, HELLP syndrome , IntraUterine Growth Retardation (IUGR) ,Preterm labor and bed rest ,Drugs to reduce blood pressure and halt preterm labor , Small for Gestational Age (SGA) babies ,Premature babies , Stillbirth

According to medical research for over 100 years ,medicine has come of age as regards complications associated with pregnancy and they have come out with ways to prevent complications in pregnancy to some extent,the reason is because some of these complications have found to be of unknown origin but it's very important to know what you can do in your own capacity to prevent these which may turn out to be what will save you. I will be sharing with you some of these things in this article .



As a pregnant woman,it's not the time to eat heavy food even if you are seriously hungry and the food is available.learn how to eat light meals and you can eat as many times as possible in a day.Doing this,it has been discovered that morning sickness  that is common with pregnancy can be prevented.Don't eat outside because of stomach bug,it can lead to complications.


Not all posture you take is good for you as a pregnant woman.Your sitting and standing posture is very important during pregnancy.If you are the type that likes wearing high heel sandals and shoes ,for the sake of your state,drop them and go for lower heel,ensure when you stand ,stand straight and slowly this will prevent back injury.

When you are lying on bed and you want to rise from the bed,ensure you first turn and then rise up,avoid standing or sitting for long hours,if you are in a place or in a meeting that requires you to stand or sit down for long hours,try to find away to change your posture occasionally.


This is one of the most important aspect of this article,ensure you eat correctly, not junks .it's very important to eat fresh food than to eat refrigerated foods.Don't hesitate to consult your doctor on what to eat that will help you and your baby,if their will be need for food supplements, your doctor will prescribe it for you.

What you should eat include:

Fresh fruits ,vegetables and real  juice not juice with  artificial sweetners,fruits and vegetables help to boost your immune system to fight infections.Don't forget to drink a lot of water.

Go for whole grains as much as possible than refined and  processed grains ,example of these includes brown rice,whole wheat flour ,oat etc.When you eat whole grains ,they are about 1/3 more nutritious than the processed grains.

Take much protein with about 80-100grams,proteins are essentials for cell building,example of proteinous includes lean meats,beans etc.


Alcohol intake and smoking can result into a serious complications for your baby and you,hence avoid or quit smoking and drinking,if you don't smoking ,ensure you avoid staying around where people smoke because you can still inhale the smoke despite you are not the one smoking.Smoking can affect the breathing of both the mother and baby.Cafeine intake also should be avoided.


Because of nosocomal diseases which is know as hospital acquired infection ,avoid frequent ,or complete staying away from hospital visitation to the sick friends or family.Pregnancy brings down your immunity, infections that can not ordinarily come on you will easily affect you when you are pregnant, hence since  hospital environment is where infections can easily be contacted ,avoid going for a visit if you are not to going there see your doctor.


No matter how you are feeling in your body ,don't be in haste to take any drug especially over the counter drugs.See your doctor first for proper examination, what you need may just be rest not drugs ,and even you will need drugs ,he or she will prescribe what will not result in complications.Be very careful with drugs ,it's one of the causes of complications and it can have serious effect on your baby.If you will need to take supplements such as calcium and iron supplements which most women require ,you will be told by your doctor.


Some women love pets such as cats and dog, for your information, when you are pregnant, it's not the time to still play with either of these pets  (cats or dogs) ,they are dangerous to you and your baby which can lead to complications during pregnacy.These pets are carriers of some parasites  such as Toxoplasma gondii  found in cats which causes toxoplasmosis in babies and this parasite can be gotten from the mother to the unborn baby.


If you are preparing to conceive ,begin to feast on folic acid ,it's not too early to do so .You may not need to go for the supplement, there are foods that contain folic acids such as beans, peas,citrus fruits ,broccoli and spinach.When you finally conceived with a baby ,keep on with your folic acid intake ,folic acids plays an important role in preventing neurological defects such as spina bifida.


Be very careful especially if you are working in an environment where you can easily be exposed to chemicals ,industrial or textile dust,very harmful radiations, all these can have serious impact on your unborn baby.If your work involves long hours of standing or sitting, carrying of heavy loads,exposure to harmful chemicals ,pushing ,and exposure to excessive vibration,you will need to discuss with your employer according to your doctors recommendations for a change of job describtion till you finally give birth.


Ensure to see your physiotherapist to recommend appropriate exercise for you,this is very important, don't just start an exercise, you need an expert so that you won't cause problem for yourself and your unborn baby.Also ,stress is your enemy, don't allow stress in any form to build up in you ,learn how to avoid stress ; mental ,emotional and physical stress.Stress can result into complications such as pre-enclampsia,low birth weight.


Am rounding it off with this that my wife is enjoying pregnancy free of complications, we are now on our third pregnancy, you too can also have such complications free pregnancy if you do what she did.I will show you the secret if you click here and do what you will see in the page.That is the final guarantee and it can never fail

All that I have mentioned above can fail ,i have earlier said that some times complications in pregnancy can be of unknown origin or cause.Am assuring you that when you let him be your keeper ,he is able to handle every cause of complications and he can give you pregnancy free of complications.


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