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This is still very fresh in my memory and I will never forget what I considered inhuman discipline  and child abuse form of punishment I suffered in the hand of my late father on one fateful day when I was young. 

My father was a disciplinarian and we knew him for that,because of this whenever he was around everybody at home will take cover ,you hardly hear us because if he catches you misbehaving, what other parents will just overlook,my father won't ,you must be punished, the punishment may or may not be serious  depending on the magnitude of your offence.
When I was growing up,there was this video player  that was using cassette (VHS),though it has become obsolete now, nobody is using it again since the advent of DVD player ,but then it was very scarce and few people had it in their houses.If any house had it, that house will be ready for inflow of people especially children and youth coming to watch both local and foreign movies.In our own case as a family, we didn't have the video player yet my father will never allow us to go out to watch movies in other people's houses even though we too wanted to join other children but the fear of spanking and serious punishment will never allow us to do so.Hence ,we were conditioned to sit at home and hear stories of the movies watched by other children. 

I never knew that a history that I can never forget was about to be written when my father bought video cassette player and brought it home ,I won't say he bought it for us because of my experience that am about sharing.Since he bought the player ,non of the children was allowed to use it,if you are caught using it ,you will be in hot soup.

On this fateful day,my father was not around and I don't know what came upon me,I was tempted to go to the player and slotting a cassette and watch,before I knew what was happening, my father arrived and I was caught using the video player, hmmmm,I was thoroughly and severely beaten that I was calling my father and was saying I am not your father, this is to tell you how furious he was ,by the time he was through with me ,my body was tore ,I was crying not only because of the beaten but because of what was running through my mind which was that ,my offence didn't deserve this inhuman  punishment.

Parents especially in some part of the world where spanking of children is allowed and for those parents living in those  places where you are not permitted to discipline your children by spanking and you want to correct your child, I want to believe that every parent has come to term with correcting their children, if you disagree with correcting children whenever they go wrong, you are in for a serious problem both now and years to come.Children will always misbehave but correction helps them to correct their errors ,know what is right and acceptable  and behave well  next time.

If you agree with me that our children cannot be left alone without being corrected whenever they go wrong, then I want to let you know that there are various ways you can punish your children without spanking them and yet still get the same or better results than spanking.Shortly I will be sharing with you these various ways.



Not only when your children misbehave that you want to show to them that they are wrong,also show to them that you acknowledge and appreciate that good behaviour they demonstrate, learn to say well done,that's good of you,keep it up and don't just stop at the level of words of mouth, get something for that  child no matter how little it may be,it has a long way in telling the child that  good behaviour pays than bad ones, this will help the child to always do what will earn him or her goodies.


Sometimes using this kind of punishment for a child can be painful than spanking, examples of privileges that you can deny your child when he or she misbehaves  is stopping him from watching TV especially when he or she has a favourite TV programme, you can actually wait for that time of that favourite TV programme and deny him or her from watching it.It can also be to deny him or her of playing video games, some children can choose to play video games than to eat their foods,such children can  be denied of playing such games,this kind of punishment can be very effective. 


As parent,this is one of the things you should begin to do and doing it as early as possible for our children can be very effective.You must learn how to sternly react immediately without delay with eye contact or obvious reactions that make the child in question quickly understand that you disagree or unhappy  with his or her behaviour, do these all the time and be consistent ,this can be effective especially when you start doing it at their early age.

I have found this very effective for my children, whenever I don't want to spank them,sometimes what I do is to tell the child to come and sit alone on a sofa, at this moment you will discover that the child that has been jumping around suddenly calm down,this becomes painful to them if they were taken from the midst of their friends and they can not continue with them in playing together.The period of the time out can depend on the age of the child,sometimes you keep them their until they sleep off,it can  cause  them to sleep as fast as possible. 


Sometimes if you don't want to spank your child after misbehaving, you can add extra task or chore to his or her daily chore,most times you don't add the task that will be easy or pleasant for them,you can look around the house ,which task do they dislike, such task will be your target anytime they misbehave.Doing this can be effective and you just discover that the fear of the additional unpleasant chore will make them behave well.


Sometimes just talking to a child concerning what he or she has done that is bad can be more painful emotionally than spanking,their are some children that prefer spanking to talking to them about their bad conduct.We are not saying here to rain abuse or evil words on them ,just mere discussing or chatting the consequences of his or her action in away that show the child reasons while he or she shouldn't do what he or she has done especially if what the child did has brought a consequence on him or her personally.Let the child know that the consequences may be greater than what he or she sees now.


Praying for your children is one of the ways to actually commit them to God to mould their life and conducts, there are certain conducts that we can not correct or take away from them by discipline but with God all things are possible.Some children attitude can be under demonic influence, how can you correct such attitude with physical means ? You will need God's intervention for such attitude to be corrected. How can you as a parent pray to God who you don't know or have relationship with?This is impossible, let me introduce you to him by clicking here.


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