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Diabetes is one of the leading cause of death worldwide,most death that occur through diabetes is as result of complications,diabetes kills faster when there are complications. Learning how to prevent this complications is a great way to live longer with this health condition.The complications of diabetes are always a long term effect of diabetes, examples of these common complications are seen in heart disease, kidney damage (nephropathy),Eye damage (retinopathy ),Nerve damage  (neuropathy ),stroke and Limb amputation (common one is lower leg amputation )

Though these complications are often cause of death among the diabetic people, the good news is that ,most of these complications are treatable when the complications are detected early and proper care is given as soon as you or your health care provider (doctor ) discover it,therefore you don't need to worry yourself by thinking that your diabetic condition has come to a terminal point when you notice any complication.

"Prevention is better than cure so they say",are you diabetic?it's very important for you to begin to find out how you can actually prevent these complications before they come,many have died because they never found out how they can actually prevent diabetic complications and because of that ,they came up with it even sooner and they died never recover.Because you are reading this article, your own case shouldn't end the way they ended,you can live healthier and longer even with your diabetes.



Seriously speaking, if you will have to prevent diabetic complications ,you just have to be discipline with the control of your blood sugar level,many do find this difficult to do ,to be sincere with you,  there is no alternative to this ,you just have to abide by this ,I know it's difficult, many foods you used to enjoy now become no go area because of your condition.If you want to live longer and healthier despite your diabetic condition, you must let go and begin to eat foods that have been prescribed for you by your health care giver such as doctors and dieticians.


To make the control of sugar effective, you must also play a key role in knowing your blood sugar level by monitoring it by  yourself at home.Kindly get for yourself glucometer ,inform your health care giver to put you through on how to use it and get a glucose test result diary to record your test results, always go with this record to your doctor for proper interpretation.


It's very important that you attend reviews and screening regularly, most often when you go for these regularly, it will be easier to detect any complication by your doctors, to achieve effective treatment in diabetic complications,early detection is the key.Ensure you quickly notify your doctor when you go for screening , any symptoms of complications such as loss of sensitivity in touch,problem with your vision or any blister on your foot.
Early detection plays a vital role and this can be achieved through regularly going for reviews and screening.If by any reason you miss it,it is better for you to notify your doctor to arrange another visit with him or her.


Diabetes and high blood pressure have become husband and wife, most of the times , because the sugar level is not controlled, it results into high blood pressure, when these two conditions are found together  ,the end result is always fatal,it leads to damaging of blood vessels, stroke ,heart attack.Hence don't allow your diabetes result into high blood pressure by effectively controlling your sugar level through diet and regular exercise.Its also important for you to know that high cholesterol is often lead to high blood pressure, hence eat less of fat and your doctor may prescribe a medication to help you.


Diabetes has the tendency of making your immune system weak thereby causing you to become prone to many infections.Get yourself vaccinated in you have not,approach your doctor  and seek for vaccination, ensure you keep to the dates of the vaccination and complete the dosage.
Example of vaccines that you can take include Hepatitis B ,Flu ,Tetanus and Pneumonia vaccine ,and any other available ones as prescribed by your doctor.


If you do smoke and drink alcohol before you were diagnosed of diabetes,now that you are diabetic ,you can actually develop complications faster when you continue to smoke and drink ,to avoid such ,you must quit.
Complications that can be developed through these are ulcer of the foot which can lead to amputation,Heart disease,Stroke,Eye disease which can lead to blindness ,Nerve damage ,Kidney disease

If you are finding it difficult to quit ,talk to your doctor about it and he or she will help you find ways to quit  or refer you to a specialist to assist you.


When you exercise regularly, it will help you to maintain a healthy weight ,control your blood sugar,blood pressure ,cholesterol and triglycerides level thereby preventing complications.Ensure you are getting aerobic exercise at least 30minutes each day .

You can exercise yourself by walking, dancing,swimming for about 30minutes,if you have not started ,you can start slowly and gradually increase the pace and timing.Be active ,very important.
Another very important benefit of exercise is that it reduces stress from you,if stress and diabetes are combined ,the end result is dangerous  because it will prevent the control of the sugar thereby resulting into elevated blood sugar which is the cause of many complications of diabetes.

In conclusion ,diabetes is not a dead sentence, you can live a healthy and a longer life with it,it all depends on you on how you manage it and how much of knowledge you have about it and you put to practice, seek for more knowledge on what you can do and not to do to prevent it's complications which are the cause of death and be closer to your doctor.

Finally, I want to let you know that you can actually  be healed of diabetes if only you will surrender  to the healer,he has done it before and he is still doing so now .Click here to find out how.


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