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It's the desire of human to live a comfortable life and be able to meet his or her day to day financial needs and responsibilities. Life without a source of living is like a car without an engine ,it will not go anywhere.

A person without a source of living or jobless ,without any income coming in from any source can be frustrated, with low self-esteem and sometimes if they cannot meet their financial demands or responsibility over a period they may decide to take their life and commit suicide, a lot of deaths has occurred as a result of joblessness. Many has even ended in crime such as robbery, kidnapping, smuggling of hard drugs such as marijuana, cocaine etc.

Therefore, you will agree with me that it is a wonderful thing to have a source of living, you are sure money is coming and you can confidently meet up with your day to day financial demands and live the kind of life of your dream and be comfortable.

With this ,we have discovered that there a lot of jobs in America that people do and these jobs are dangerous and deadly, yet you find quite numbers of people doing it.

As at 2014,according to bureau of Labour Statistics there were about 4,821 fatal injuries related to occupations in America and whereas at 2013 ,it was 239 (5%) less than that of 2014 as reported, this reveals that there was an increase in occupational injuries. Majority of these injuries were said to have occurred within some handful of occupations in America. According to a report ,it was said that about 4,800 work place death occurred.


1) Taxi drivers and chauffeurs
Fatality rate: 18 per 100,000 workers; 68 total

Risk factors:
They are always at alert to monitor and be sure about the road conditions at all times for the safety of there passengers. In case of bad weather and heavy traffic, it's their responsibility to ensure the safety of their passengers by taking necessary precautions. All these definitely put them at high risk of traffic accidents and sometimes they are at risk of transporting violent and dangerous passengers ,even sometimes they may have to drive through high crime places.

Median annual salary: $26,070

2) Electrical power line installers and repairers

Fatality rate: 19.2 per 100,000 workers; 25 total

Risk factors:
Despite how these workers take the safety precautions religiously with all diligence yet they are still being faced with potentially deadly situations every day such as Electrocution and most of the time falls are accountable for most of these deadly situations in these very job.

Average annual salary: $65,650

3) Sales workers (Drivers) and truck drivers

Fatality rate: 24.7 per 100,000 workers; 880 total

Risk factors:
According to Bureau of Labor Statistics in America, the major risk exposed to by these workers is traffic accidents which can be linked to long hours of driving from one countryside to another. Long hours of driving results into fatigue and they can easily break down ,causing them to begin to lose concentration on the road which can result to accident . Another risk exposed to by these workers is robbery attacks if they have to pass through high crime area.

Average annual salary: $38,030

4) Structural iron and steel workers

Fatality rate: 25.2 per 100,000 workers; 15 total

Risk factors

Because these workers are known to install iron and steel beams in which they use cranes in lifting the beams, hence they are exposed to risk of falling ,slipping and tripping away of the iron and steel beams, these are the major cause of the injuries related to this occupation and this was reported by Bureau of Labor Statistics in America

Average annual salary: $54,750

5) Farmers, ranchers, agricultural managers

Fatality rate: 26.7 per 100,000 workers; 270 total

Risk factors

Farming can be said to be the oldest professions on earth, the advent of technology has brought about great innovation to farming but yet it was not with its disadvantages and risk.The major risk related to this is the injuries sustain while working with those heavy machinery and equipment . Sometimes the farmers are not well-trained in the use of those equipment

Average annual salary: $69,880

6) Roofers

Fatality rate: 47.4 per 100,000 workers; 83 total

Risk factors
For your information, sunburn or hammered finger are not the biggest danger of roofing, the major causes of fatal injuries are falls ,other nonfatal injuries such as fractures in turn contribute to what makes general construction work a very injury prone occupation.

Average annual salary: $40,630

7) Aircraft pilots and flight engineers

Fatality rate: 64 per 100,000 workers; 82 total

Risk factors:

Oh! This is a lucrative job, executive one I must say and highly financially compensated for because of the high risk involve.The truth is that this job is highly risky ,it's a long way down

Average annual salary: $119,360 airline, $84,510 commercial

8) Fishers and related fishing workers

Fatality rate: 80.8 per 100,000 workers; 22 total

Risk factors:

This is one of the most dangerous jobs in America.Some things that make this job dangerous include bad weather, malfunctioning gear with transportation incidents, all these contribute to the fatality of this occupation, this is said to be the 2nd most dangerous job in America.

Average annual salary: $29,970

9) Logging workers

Fatality rate: 110.9 per 100,000 workers; 78 total

Risk factors:

The fatalities recorded in this job increased from 59 to 78 between the year 2013 to 2014.The risk involve in this job include spending days outside working with heavy machinery, sometimes in a very bad weather thereby exposing the workers to ill health ,occasionally there can also be high altitudes which also risky.

Average annual salary: $37,640


- You must adhere strictly to all the safety precautions related to your job

- Ensure you understand yourself, don't go beyond what your strength can carry you for the day ,it may lead to breaking down and serious health conditions

- if you are working with any equipment, ensure you read carefully the safety precautions regarding it and don't go beyond the manufacturer prescription.

- Report any accident timely in course of your work to the appropriate quarters for immediate action ,don't delay.

- if you need to go for additional knowledge about your work ,please do .

-listen to your intuition, if you passive an impending danger ,please quickly take caution.

- If your health condition cannot allow you to work on any day,or in a particular section of your organization, report to the appropriate authority and state the reason, don't manage ,you may end up as casualty.

- if you know God, ensure you always pray and don't neglect HIM ,He is the greatest security.

Finally, you should know that no amount of money you may be given that can  equate to your life,if you know your life is in serious danger if you do or continue with any job, wisdom demands you quit.A word is enough for the wise.
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