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Nigeria politics to many people both the masses and the politicians has become politics to favour me, myself and I which in turn includes their family members and sometimes friends. That is the Nigeria politics which is being played by our so called politicians.

As we rightly define democracy as the government of the people, by the people and for the people ,but to me and to so many Nigerians ,this is not the case and this is not actually what we can say it's being practiced in this country. Why ours are being different from countries that are actually benefiting from democracy? This is a question that must be answered by our politicians of this country called Nigeria. Sometimes people will say probably we are not ripe for democracy saying when did we actually begin to practice democracy? is that the reason why we are having these so much problems?

With the look of things in Nigeria, you will discover that ,starting to practice democracy earlier or late may not actually be the cause of the problem of democracy that we practice in this country,in my own opinion, the truth is that Nigerians and the politicians of this country are actually the main problem of our democratic system of government not when we started our democracy.

Over the period of time these were my discovery about evil that has accompanied our democracy as a result of the kind of politicians that have emerged and ruled and still ruling this nation at different levels of our democratic system of our government from local ,to state and federal level with the inclusion of all the executive and legislative arms of government.

This article will be addressing the evils that have bedevilled both the politicians and the people of the nation (Leaders and followers) and as well proffer likely solutions in order to be safe under our present state of democracy as we hope for the better as we continue to evolve in our politics in this country.



Having a god father is not the issue or problem here, there is a lot of gain in having god father especially when you are very new in politics, they will be able to guide you and show you how to play this game called politics. As we have gains so also there is a lot of evil associated with it . Example of this include bad influence, some of those god fathers had done evil while they were in position of power and when you are coming in ,they will want you to cover their back (evil), some give bad counsel, while some even use their so called political son to archive their evil agenda. Some god fathers will put their political son in captivity of not being able to do anything without first consulting them even though they are no longer in position yet they speak from the background and dictate what happens. Sometimes they have some amount of money their political son must give to them whether the son likes it or not ,even if the people are suffering, their own share is untouchable.

How do you play safe with the issue of god father in Nigeria politics?

Don't just jump at any politician to come and be your god father or begin to associate with them or even if they throw the offer to you don't just accept anybody. Check history of such politicians, do they have good track record, integrity, honesty and not too demanding ,do they have all of these and finally you must pray to God for direction if actually God wants you in politics and to have a god father. After you have done your home work very well ,then you can opt in for such person,you will be sure that you won't be in trouble with such an individual.


Sincerely speaking, corruption has become the logo or tag of Nigeria politicians, hardly will you see a Nigerian politician without the case of corruption, despite these evil among our politicians, I want to believe there should be at least few among them that can still be trustworthy even though I have not seen- I may not be correct probably I haven't done my research well to be able to see one. Nigeria as a nation is in this serious mess today as result of this evil called corruption.

Sometimes people entering into politics with good heart who are not ready to involve in corruption but along the line, they are being influenced negatively and some because they are not firm in their stand against corruption, the temptation that goes with too much money at once disposal caught up with them and they became corrupt.

How can you be safe from this evil of corruption?

* Avoid corrupt people around you and let them know your stand against corruption.

* Don't borrow money from the money they put you in charge ,you may be tempted not to pay back ,just be disciplined

* Rebuke any corrupt officers and offenders around you publicly this will serve as a check for your own self and for others .

* The ultimate safety from the evil of corruption is to fear God and obey is commandments,see how you can achieve this here


Lack of security is one of the major fears of many politicians in Nigeria, immediately they win election ,the next thing they begin to think about is security.This also can be seen in the allowance that is given to them tagged security allowance . Why must you suddenly become unsecured because you are now a political office holder? I think in the real sense of it, you were elected to serve your people.Why should the people you are to serve become a threat to your life? Friends, it's because something has gone wrong, people don't see political offices as a place to serve the people but a place to acquire more money for yourself and family, hence the people who want to be there or want their candidates to be there begin to seek after the life of the elected officers.

What can you do to be secured and safe as a Nigeria politician ?

* First and foremost, you have been elected to serve the people, that should be the goal and objective of elected officers, therefore do all you can to do that and fulfil all your promises made during election campaign, this is the beginning of security to some extent ,people will not be angry with you unnecessarily talk less of endangering your life and family. And to you ,it will give you a little sense of security because you are  pleasing and bringing joy and progress to your people as expected of you.

* Then since Nigeria politics has become do-or-die affair ,therefore you are being given the security allowance, ensure you go for security officers who will not betray you and be good to them as you relate with them

* Don't be careless about your movement ,anywhere  you know your security is not guaranteed don't go there.

* Be careful of what and where you eat and drink to avoid food poisoning by the evildoers.

* Ensure you also think of security for your family , secure them as much you can.Kidnappers are everywhere.


This is what Nigerians have experienced from one political regime to another for the past years of democracy in Nigeria. If all our past political leaders have fulfilled even half of their political campaign promises, Nigeria may be competing with other nations where democracy is actually practiced the way it should and are reaping the dividend of democracy. But this is the reverse, we have had many political agenda of many of our past leaders while they were campaigning but as soon as they were elected, those agenda became unrealistic. God should help our nation to have leaders that will stand by their promises and get it done.

How do you get your promises fulfilled?

* From the beginning of your campaign, be honest with yourself and don't make promises based on assumption that there is enough fund in that office that you can use to carry out your promises, some politicians have done this and have regretted it , nobody will believe you that you don't have enough money to carry out your promises.

* Don't make promises based on hear say, so many people are good at telling people lies about what they don't even know anything about.Some god fathers that you think they know much about the electoral position you are going for may not be right about what they are telling you,some do tell lies just to get you elected for the position so that they can get their own shares ,they don't care about your integrity. Sometimes what they think they know might have changed after sometimes and yet they still believe that it's still the same thing even after some periods of time.

* Before you begin your campaign and start making promises, do your own home work very well, find out somethings about that position especially the areas of income or money that flows into that position,if you do that ,then you can then make your promises on the facts that is on ground in which you know it will give you enough opportunity to fulfil the promises made.

* You must be focus, immediately when you are elected,don't be distracted by people  who are trying to make you do what is not in your agenda, after you are through with your agenda or promises to the people, then you can begin other projects. Your people will hold you responsible firstly on the promises you didn't fulfil before they think of what you didn't promise.

* Put honest people in the correct positions to support the fulfilment of your promises, not the people that will disrupt it.


Because of the feeling of insecurity, many politicians have engaged themselves in cultism, to them they do so to get power and security so that they will be able to withstand the attacks both physically and spiritually. Sometimes they are being introduced to such fatality by fellow politicians or friends.This is evil because the activities of occult are evil and they make use of rituals that include the killing of the innocent people in the society.

How can you be safe from this evil?

* You must first resolve it in your heart that cultism is evil no matter how they paint it,if devil gives you one thing ,he will collect other things from you even in a multiple folds ,don't do it.

* Be careful of the fellow politicians you walk or move with ,if you are suspicious of them ,quit as fast as possible before they introduce it to you, sometimes if you know where they belong they may force it on you because you have known there secret,run for your life.

* Don't follow anybody to anywhere you don't have full knowledge of where they are taking you ,you may be on your way to initiation if you are not careful.


Many people with godly virtues who have become political office holder and they have lost their faith,the godly character and virtues they had before becoming a politician,all these were lost on the platform of politics.No more fear of God,no Love and compassion for people etc.This is a real evil that many believers had fallen into.

How do you secure you godly virtues as a politician?

* Don't be far from godly people who can rebuke and correct you when you are acting contrary

* Don't have people with bad character as a friend or companions, they may corrupt you.

* Obey the law of God.

Finally, all I have written above  about security can fail and they can only secure you physically, the only unfailingly security is in God,learn to trust him and follow him ,he will provide all the security you need both physically and spiritually, you can click to learn more here

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